Frequently Asked Questions

Do you ship the stuffed balloons?

Currently we are only offering delivery and pickup options, as the balloons can pop during shipping.

Do you offer delivery?

Delivery is available for an additional fee, which is determined based on delivery radius from Montville, NJ.

Where is pickup?

Montville, NJ, which is in Morris County, NJ.

How do you get the items inside?

You can ship the items directly to me or you can drop them off to me for assembly.

What can fit inside of the balloon?

Small items that are less than 5 inches wide can fit inside.

What color shredded paper do you have?

Yellow, teal, party mix [blue, pink, yellow], lime green, red, Christmas festive [red and green], purple, metallic gold, natural tan, mint green, iridescent white, navy blue, burgundy, black, royal blue, light blue, light pink, metallic silver, sky blue, green, orange, gray, fuchsia, lavender

Note: Colors can be mixed as well

What is the turnaround time?

2 business days

Is a rush option available?

Yes, for an additional $15 fee, rush option is available for less than 2 business day turnaround time.

How long can the balloon stay inflated for?

We guarantee 24 hours, but the balloons can last anywhere from 24 hours to several months depending on temperatures and other factors.

How do you get the contents out from the balloon?

You can pop the balloon with something sharp that is not dangerous, such as scissors or a fork!

What kinds of balloons do you have?

We can do balloons for any theme or occasion!

Can you customize the balloons with text?

Balloons can be customized with any text. Designs on the clear stuffed balloon can also be included/customized for an additional fee.

Do you do balloon arrangements?

We can do any balloon arrangements. Reach out to discuss what you are looking for.

Where should I store the balloon?

Inside your house where there is a normal temperature so that it is not too hot and not too cold. If there are extreme temperatures, the balloon can deflate.

Why did my balloon lose air outside?

It is normal for balloons to lose air outside during transit. They should inflate back up when you are back inside.